Saturday, 4 December 2010

Jolo's Second Surgery

Dear friends,

Greetings! Once again, I am writing a difficult letter,humbling myself in asking for your assistance. My son Luis Jolo was born with Multiple Cyanotic Heart disease (Ostium Primum,Single ventricle,Single AV Valve,Malposed Great Arteries,Pulmonary Stenosis,) and also Situs Invertus. At the age of 17 days, a doctor told us that my son will not live beyond a year.

But with our parental hearts,and with prayers and financial help from many of you, Jolo had his first heart surgery in May 2006.He was then 3 years old.His pedia cardio Dra. Azcueta of Phil.Heart Center,visiting surgeon Dr. Serafin De Leon and his team performed a Glenn Shunt Procedure..Allowing a near normal oxygenation and helping an overworked Heart. Jolo tolerated it well.Even then,we were told that another operation will have to be done in 3 to 4years.

In 2009,her sister Sofia was belatedly diagnosed also with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD).While it was not as complicated as Jolo's, She too had to go thru an open heart surgery last May 19,2010 at Phil.Heart center. At that time, Dra. Azcueta was saying that Jolo's second operation should already be scheduled,(FONTAN PROCEDURE).She wanted it done before the end of the year,since Dr.DeLeon is in Manila.But we dont have enough funds yet.

The estimated cost of the surgery is close to half a million,roughly the same amount for each of the two previous surgeries done to my 2 children. The doctor said that the operation will give Jolo a chance to reach adulthood.Please HELP Jolo have that CHANCE.

Thank you for all the support that you have given us in the past and have been continually giving us.May all of us have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.



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